Sunday, July 19, 2009

O' the horror

So, I'm heading to Texas in a few days... with my Mom... for a month... and... I'm running dry!
Dear lord, this is going to be a long summer. I'm pretty sure that the reason for this trip is to have my grandparents put
down. Oh, well. I am getting sick of traveling across country to watch the people I love die; why can't they just come to me?
I hope that I won't have to be sober the whole time. Could this really be my fate, sobriety... in Texas... for a month? No! I doubt it.

The worst part is that I have to leave my loving, wonderful, 11 year old (diabetic) cat with my Brother. Yikes! Is it to late to back out of this? Life is getting tricky again... too many changes are taking place in to short of a time span. I get to come back to a new "Health insurance" plan, NO therapist :'( and a potentially dead pet! Also, I get to start classes again... just a couple of days after returning from TX. Yay! <-- [sarcasm]

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I am not a happy girl at the moment.
Aggressive Progressive