Monday, July 20, 2009

How many failed attempts?

What do I want to be when I grow up ...? This is, for whatever reason, the most difficult question for me to answer.
I'm already grown up and pretty much finished with college [for the most part] but I have no direction. I would love to write, I just don't seem to have the motivation anymore [I blame it on the "meds"].

I wish that I could just hit the ground running for once!
Maybe I'm just not cut out for this anymore. In a publish or a perish field I'm turning out to be very perishable....
Sorry for the "Cry me a river" delivery; just venting, I guess.

I just noticed how often I've used the word "Just" in this entry. My comp Profs' would've never let me get away with that.
Or, my, over, use, of, the, "Comma",,,.
You'd think I would have retained some basic writing skills after 8 years of claiming to be an English major.... You'd be wrong!

Aggressive Progressive