Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jeremiad of woe-(ish)

Texas is hot... damn hot this time of year not to mention torturously boring. I think that may be about
ready to head back east, kinda, not really. At least the crazy family drama, Papa (aka awesome Grandpa)
and my super bad-ass baby cousin are keeping my mind off of everything else.
(I love my super bad-ass baby cousin & Papa!!!).
I really do digg it here... sometimes.

Good news: My wonderful cat-child is still alive! YAY!
Bad news: I'm sharing a bed with my Mom... the bed is a full... the room is hot... the Mom is big!
Good news: Inebriation has happened and will again...SOON!
Bad news: I'm sharing a bed with my Mom!
Good news: This is only a visit!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have been hitting up "Twitter" of late and I'm pretty sure that I'm now addicted. I don't know how this happened.
It all started a few months ago when Ellen asked her viewing audience to follow her on Twitter.
I signed up at the time and didn't really think about it again till last week, I haven't really logged off since.

Still not sure how this happened but I fear that I've become a very lazy stalker....

Monday, July 20, 2009

How many failed attempts?

What do I want to be when I grow up ...? This is, for whatever reason, the most difficult question for me to answer.
I'm already grown up and pretty much finished with college [for the most part] but I have no direction. I would love to write, I just don't seem to have the motivation anymore [I blame it on the "meds"].

I wish that I could just hit the ground running for once!
Maybe I'm just not cut out for this anymore. In a publish or a perish field I'm turning out to be very perishable....
Sorry for the "Cry me a river" delivery; just venting, I guess.

I just noticed how often I've used the word "Just" in this entry. My comp Profs' would've never let me get away with that.
Or, my, over, use, of, the, "Comma",,,.
You'd think I would have retained some basic writing skills after 8 years of claiming to be an English major.... You'd be wrong!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

O' the horror

So, I'm heading to Texas in a few days... with my Mom... for a month... and... I'm running dry!
Dear lord, this is going to be a long summer. I'm pretty sure that the reason for this trip is to have my grandparents put
down. Oh, well. I am getting sick of traveling across country to watch the people I love die; why can't they just come to me?
I hope that I won't have to be sober the whole time. Could this really be my fate, sobriety... in Texas... for a month? No! I doubt it.

The worst part is that I have to leave my loving, wonderful, 11 year old (diabetic) cat with my Brother. Yikes! Is it to late to back out of this? Life is getting tricky again... too many changes are taking place in to short of a time span. I get to come back to a new "Health insurance" plan, NO therapist :'( and a potentially dead pet! Also, I get to start classes again... just a couple of days after returning from TX. Yay! <-- [sarcasm]

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I am not a happy girl at the moment.
Aggressive Progressive